Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Low-cost new technology can track flexible surgical robots through magnetism

Flexible robotic surgical equipment has very broad application prospects. One of the advantages is that it can move on vulnerable parts of the body without causing damage. Since these devices are usually made of soft, soft materials, they do not always show up well when using traditional imaging techniques.

In search of a better alternative, the science team at the University of California, San Diego created a new system. In this system, a magnet is installed at the front end of a flexible robotic device. When the robot moves in a closed environment (which will eventually enter the human body), four spaced external sensors measure the strength of the magnetic field generated by the magnet.

Through an artificial neural network, the system compares the readings of the four sensors and uses these data to accurately determine the position of the robot's front end. This is similar to how GPS uses multiple satellites to calculate the user's location.

So far, the system has been successfully tested in a laboratory-based model, using a nylon tube-type robotic device that grows in length as the liquid is pumped into it. According to reports, the entire device, including robots, magnets, sensors and other electronic devices, only costs about $100.

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